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Lambing Season

The last couple of weeks have been each sheep farmer’s highlight of the year. Lambing season is here and up to date our sheep have delivered around 300 lambs into this world. As is to be expected there is a lot of work around this process, we need to watch over our sheep, see that the lambs and their mothers are in good health and make sure everything runs smoothly. By now, most of our sheep have carried their lambs and we get to enjoy watching the offsprings grow bigger and stronger each day. It can be hard to leave them when they play together with high jumps and twists, while their big mama’s take their dinner or just lie and rumle their food. Now spring is in the air and we hope for warmer weather as it has been a bit cold. It is each farmers joy and delight, when their animals are feeling well and all their needs are provided for; food, drink and shelter. Watching the young one’s playing is an extra bonus for the heart.

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